worship with us / sunday mornings
Time and Location: Worship begins in the sanctuary at 10:30 am every Sunday morning.
Parking: We have parking to the right of the church building at 501 Hawthorne Lane. You can also park on the streets nearby.
Accessibility: The elevator is accessible through the door at the end of the walkway by the playground. Handicap parking is available in front of the playground and on the side of the building.
Adult Sunday School: The Friendship Class is a multi-generational class that meets every Sunday morning at 9:30 am. It is facilitated by a group of talented teachers and provides a great opportunity to build relationships and grow in your faith. Nursery care is provided.
Children and Nursery: Children begin worship in the sanctuary and leave for children's church during the service. Nursery is available upon arrival for babies and young children. Check-in is available in the sanctuary starting at 10:20 am, then babies & young kids will go to the 1st-floor classrooms after Children's Time for childcare/nursery, a worship activity, a snack & playground time (weather permitting)! Our staff is CPR & First Aid certified and Safe Sanctuaries trained.
Kids 501 Worship: After Children’s Time in worship service, kids in 1st - 5th grade will go to the 2nd floor Joy Outlook room for Kids 501, a kid-friendly worship experience. Parents will pick up their children from Kids 501 at the end of worship. Note: on Communion Sundays, there is no Kids 501 so children can participate in the Communion service with their families.